Community Support Program
The Community Support Program (CSP) is a short term program which provides intensive case management to individuals who are considered to be “at risk” within the community. This program offers a single point of contact for coordination and follows up on a client’s individual care. The Community Support providers are mobile, flexible and support clients in the community. The program works with clients of all ages, including children and adolescents.
Our CSP staff and clients work together to identify the strengths, skills and supports needed to promote recovery and ensure the client’s success in the community. Services emphasize assisting clients to manage their symptoms and maintain independence, stability, resiliency and well-being.
• Assisting clients in enhancing their daily living skills
• Providing service coordination and linkage
• Assisting with obtaining benefits, housing, and health care
• Developing a crisis plan
• Providing prevention and intervention
• Fostering empowerment and recovery, including linkages to peer support and self-help groups.
In general, a Member who can benefit from CSP services has a disorder that required past hospitalization or has resulted in serious impairment with a risk of a future hospitalization. CSP services are used to prevent hospitalizations.